Community Notice Board
This notice board is open to all leaders and participants of groups which are doing activities to better the natural (including human) environment.
In order to contribute to the Notice Board, Please sign on to the mailing list. Any personal information which you put on when you sign on will only be seen by us and will not be shared with any other people/organizations.
In order to contribute to the Notice Board, Please sign on to the mailing list. Any personal information which you put on when you sign on will only be seen by us and will not be shared with any other people/organizations.
Here's a great chance for you to get more fit, help a wonderful organization in Zambia which has been severely effected by the Corona crisis, and support the development of Jambo Chapters and people trying to do more "Have Fun Doing Good" activities. Please join the Jambo Virtual Fun Run.
MANY THANKS to Jeff Harryman, the founder of Jambo International Inc, who has now retired as Director. Jeff took great efforts to establish Jambo as a 501(c)3 in the United States and finally succeeded in September of 2015. Without him, none of this would have been possible. He will still be on Jambo's Board of Directors and serve in an advisory capacity as Jambo marches on. It's because of proactive people like Jeff that good organizations can thrive in an often troubled world. Great Job! (April 9)
A BIG CONGRATS to Jambo Chapter "Toyko River Friends" (TRF) for winning first place in two categories for Arakawa Clean Aid's annual awards. TRF held the most number of events and collected the most trash in 2019, more than any other organization. GREAT JOB James Gibbs (the relentless activity organizer) and all TRF volunteers. The people of Tokyo and the creatures in and around the waters all thank you! (January 30, 2020)
CONGRATULATIONS to Karen Kasuga, who organized the first Jambo affiliated inter collegiate hike at Mt. Takao (near Tokyo). Most university students in Japan tend to hang out with others from their own university. In the Jambo spirit, Karen is making an effort to bring students from various universities together, developing connections where they previously didn't exist. She is an inspiration who is actively getting the youth outdoors, connected to nature and to each other. (November 20)
Jambo Japan is moving towards another record breaking year, with well over 100 events being held. In addition to the hiking and environmental events which Jambo holds (making up the majority of the events), Jambo Cultural Adventures holds one event per month and the Tokyo River Friends (a Jambo Chapter) holds 2 events per month. Also, Jambo takes part regularly in environmental projects of SHU (a Japanese-based environmental group) and Friends of the Earth Japan. Many thanks to these wonderful organizations for the good work they do. (October 9)
Welcome back into action, Jeff Harryman (from JAMBO KENTUCKY)! After suffering a back operation which put him out of commission for a few months, Jeff is back with his first event (after his return) to Charlestown State Park in Indiana. Check out the pictures on the Facebook page of Jambo International Inc. Jeff is a living example of the tenacity and dedication which Jambo has to HAVING FUN DOING GOOD! (August 17)
FANTASTIC JOB to Jambo Canada for getting 25 people out on the June hike. Despite being a relatively new group, you've gathered a great diversity of people, having come from many countries to make their home in Canada. And what a great way to get people to enjoy each others' company while experiencing the healing ways of nature. Check out the their pictures (and others from various Jambo groups) on the pictures page. Hopefully, along with "falling love" with the natural environment, we come to make more efforts to treasure it and preserve it. A win-win solution for all! Keep up the great work! (July 9)
A big CHEERS to the Kansas boy - James Gibbs! As the organizer for the Jambo Chapter "Tokyo River Friends" he has persistently held 2 garbage pick-ups a month along Tokyo's waterways. And on June 15, in the heavy rain, he still refuses to cancel, fighting the elements and collecting 29 bags of garbage with 4 participants. As he so eloquently said "Action talks and bullshit walks." Pretty much sums it up. It's inspirations and dedication like this that can truly create a better environment. (June 18)
As a leader of various activities, you're bound to come across unexpected happenings. Being as prepared as possible and remaining as calm as possible in these cases is most important. Let me share a recent surprise happening we had into "The Haunted Forest."
We hiked into a forest full of awaiting, blood-sucking leeches (unbeknownst to us). They swarmed on our shoes seeking to find some live flesh to burrow their heads into. This was the first time our Jambo group came upon these little pests. Letting people know the medical kit was available, remove the leeches as needed, and keep moving until we got to a clearing to do full body checks helped to alleviate the panic. My one failing was forgetting to assure people that these leeches were not harmful (containing no virus or poison), as I mistakenly thought they knew of this. While I was able to keep calm (which helped the situation), I'd forgotten my role to do all I could (share this important information) to make others feel calm as well. Another case of live and learn. (David Howenstein - June 11)
We hiked into a forest full of awaiting, blood-sucking leeches (unbeknownst to us). They swarmed on our shoes seeking to find some live flesh to burrow their heads into. This was the first time our Jambo group came upon these little pests. Letting people know the medical kit was available, remove the leeches as needed, and keep moving until we got to a clearing to do full body checks helped to alleviate the panic. My one failing was forgetting to assure people that these leeches were not harmful (containing no virus or poison), as I mistakenly thought they knew of this. While I was able to keep calm (which helped the situation), I'd forgotten my role to do all I could (share this important information) to make others feel calm as well. Another case of live and learn. (David Howenstein - June 11)
Welcome to all of you good folk in Toronto CANADA. You are an inspiration to all of us, coming from so many different countries, adjusting to a new country, and at the same time doing good for the country you've adopted as home through the garbage pick-ups. And to those of you who are Canadian-born welcoming these newcomers, this is the open spirit which JAMBO thrives on. Thank you all so much, and a special thanks to Nori Seaweed for making good things happen. (David Howenstein - May 28)
Hey everybody just wanted to give a shout out to this JAMBO organization. I have been in and around JAMBO for about 15 years and have enjoyed it so much. Like the motto says if you want to have fun while at the same time do some good than join a JAMBO organization near you. I have met so many wonderful people from all over the globe and had the best time while in Japan the home of where it all began that I came home to the US and got involved in brining JAMBO to the US and started a chapter here in Kentucky. So if you are ever nearby join us. (Jeff Harryman - March 12, 2019)
Excited to share my own experiences and hear about those of yours. Let's find ways together of improving our own areas and getting others to do so as well. (David Howenstein - March 11, 2019)
Excited to share my own experiences and hear about those of yours. Let's find ways together of improving our own areas and getting others to do so as well. (David Howenstein - March 11, 2019)